Emotionally struggling

 I haven't posted in about a yr basically because the last 12 months have been emotional and I just didn't want to post. But I'm thinking I now should so that I can leave a record of my feelings of what has occurred in the last 12 months.

Lots of illegal and government happenings. Many governors acting like tyrants. Citizens in many states fighting back in the legal sense of showing up at state capitols and letting their voices be heard. 

Due to the pandemic we went through a shut down of most states. This is when we found out how power hungry many governors were. Here in WI, our governor showed us that he isn't interested in our health at all. Long story short, after arguing in the courts to reopen WI, it finally happened. Unfortunately the media still has many people freaked out. Sad.

Then the mask mandate happened. That was a lot harder to get rid of. But finally after 8 months of being told to wear one when inside buildings, the WI supreme court finally said enough. Obviously there's more to the story, but that's the basics. 

Then on a personal note, our family is dealing with my son who identifies as transgender. He's been put on hormones and is physically a woman. Breaks my heart 💔 that his emotional state is so bad that he wants to pretend he's someone else. Sarah is just heart broken 💔 

We've decided that we need counseling due to this and we're in the process of starting. I sometimes get so upset and frustrated that I physically get sick so I have to stop thinking about it and concentrate on my family.

These are my thoughts for now 


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